Gomburza Documentary Now in the National Memory Project

Gomburza Documentary Now in the National Memory Project

Date Published: February 16, 2024

In commemoration of the 152nd Martyrdom of Father Jose Burgos, Mariano Gomes, and Jacinto Zamora, the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) released via the National Memory Project the 2023 NHCP documentary film “Gomburza.” Starting on 17 February 2024, one can view and download  the material at https://memory.nhcp.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/GOMBURZA-An-NHCP-Documentary.mp4

In 2022, the NHCP and MAV Production produced the documentary film. It was shown to the public at the Metropolitan Theater on 17 February 2023.

On 1 August 2023, the NHCP democratized access to the Burgos-Gomez-Zamora Centennial Commission Documents via the National Memory Project. Established in 1968, the said commission was established to prepare the Filipino nation to commemorate the centenary of the Gomburza’s martyrdom in 1972. The institutional records of the commission were merged with the National Historical Institute (a predecessor of the NHCP) in the 1970s. For more details, read the article about the Gomburz Centennial Documents here https://nhcp.gov.ph/the-nhcp-gomburza-centennial-commission-collection/. You may also access the documents via the National Memory Project at https://memory.nhcp.gov.ph/collections/?ptermid=1306.

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